Your Day Begins Here
7:40 AM
Advanced Data Analysis
My first class of the day is Advanced Data Analysis. Today we learned about outliers. We looked into data that had significant outliers in the data that skewed what was otherwise predictable findings. We talked about the do’s and don'ts of data analysis and our teacher shared real life examples with us. I enjoy this class because it not only shows me how to use math in education but in everyday life.
BEI Program
Business, Entrepreneurship, & Innovation
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9:20 AM
Mathematics of Financial Analysis
After buying a Jamba Juice smoothie in the lunch line during break, I walk with my friend to our Mathematics of Financial Analysis class. Recently we have been learning about investments and have been watching stocks. Today we met with our small groups to decide what stock we wanted to invest in. We narrowed down our decision to three companies, and soon we will be communicating our findings to our teachers. I think my group has a good chance of getting chosen just because the companies' stocks have been pretty consistent.
12:25 PM
At Lunch Club Fair
At lunch I headed to the gym to set up for the club fair. I’m a part of DECA and we have a table in the fair today. We were there to tell and share our experiences with students that are interested in DECA. We have one of the best teams in the state. There are so many opportunities given to us. My favorite part of DECA is when we get to travel to different conventions and present our business ideas. I have made so many great friends and countless memories that I will never forget through DECA.
DECA provided an opportunity to socialize, engage in, and learn business concepts. [My son] …really enjoyed the DECA program and had a lot of fun at DECA conferences. We appreciate the growth opportunity to get out of his comfort zone and engage in a business setting. – Yamin Tao, VCS Parent
1:05 PM
AP Chinese (Mandarin) Language & Culture
After lunch, I head to my AP Chinese (Mandarin) Language & Culture class. Today in class we are having a potluck party and are celebrating Chinese New Year. Having the potluck party is one of the many things I love about this class. I love this class because I can hear and share my heritage and culture with my peers around me.