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Debra Hughes Impact Story

Junior High Teacher

We have been so blessed. The past couple of years have been a challenge since my husband had a major stroke that has left him with left-sided hemoplegia. He has not progressed (yet) as we have hoped and prayed, but all the while, God has been faithful. After serving as his primary caregiver for nearly 8-months of a school year, God graciously allowed me to return to work in the junior high. The gifts we have received have been another way that God has shown us, “He sees us”, and has met our needs through those that have been His hands and feet. Our thanks does not express the covering our PTPF and Intercessory Prayer boards have been to us during this time.
You, as the VCJH “family” have come alongside us, you have walked with us, you have supported us and you have blessed us. It is truly my privilege and my joy to minister to and to love on your kiddos as I serve the Lord in the math department at the junior high.

Thank you to all of you - for all you have done - on behalf of our family and the other teachers you have blessed.

In His service,
Debi (& Daryll) Hughes