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HS Required ipad Setup & Training

Junior high students and teacher work together at the white board

High School iPad Requirements 2025-26

An iPad setup checklist will be provided in August and must be completed prior to the first day of school.

View the iPad Setup Checklist
Click Here

All VCHS students are expected to bring a personally owned iPad to school.

The one-iPad-per-student (1:1) model expands student access to engaging tools and resources, thereby allowing students to learn more effectively and to live more productively in an increasingly global and digital world.

Why a 1:1 Program?
Valley Christian High School’s 1:1 iPad program is essential on our Quest for Excellence in innovative quality education. Through our pursuit of A3 - Academic Achievement, Artistic Beauty, and Athletic Distinction - Valley Christian is committed to an environment where all students have the opportunity to grow in their God-given abilities.

The iPad is used extensively by students in the access of information and completion of work. Therefore, students are expected to bring their personal iPad to school every day.

Recommended Specifications
Minimum Specifications
Accessories (recommended but not required)
  • Stylus 
  • Earbuds 
  • Keyboard
Not Supported
  • iPad Mini
  • Any iPad model that is not compatible with the current iOS (see iPadOS 18 compatibility list here)
  • iPads that are jailbroken
  • iPads running iOS Beta
  • iPads with VPN applications (VPN clients usurp control of the student’s network connection and will result in their device being unable to reconnect to the VCS network)
  • Do not install any VPN applications (i.e. Betternet, EyeDactic, VyperVPN, PIA, IPVanish, Tunnel Bear, etc.). VPN clients usurp control of the student's network connection and will result in their device being unable to reconnect to the VCS network.  

  • Do not install iOS Beta Software.

Please fill out a VCS Support Request Form if you have any questions.

VCS Support request Form