Student Support Services
Each Student is Uniquely Created by God
Recognizing that each student is uniquely created by God, endowed with a variety of talents and skills, and capable of learning, we believe it is our responsibility to offer specialized assistance that enables all students to reach their fullest potential.
Accomodation Plans at Valley Christian High School serve students who have been identified as having cognitive, medical, psychological, or physical conditions that may interfere with their academic performance. The learning and physical disabilities of these students are fully documented by the appropriate professionals. This documentation provides the staff with a clear definition of a student’s strengths and weaknesses and will facilitate the development of an appropriate accommodation plan. The goal of an Accommodation Plan is to support students with learning differences during high school in order to prepare them to succeed in college and the workplace.
VCHS does not offer a pullout or resource program, and does not include remedial special education classes. Thus, the needs of students with severe learning disabilities cannot be met on our campus. The student who is best served at VCHS is one who is able to succeed in a college-preparatory program with accommodations, in the mainstream classroom and can self-advocate their needs to teachers. Some of the typical classroom accommodations provided are as follows:
- Extended time for assignments and testing
- Use of the Student Resource Center
- Preferential seating
- Copy of Lecture Notes
- Use of assistive technology and appropriate software programs when appropriate
- Alternative setting for testing
- Use of appropriate visual aids
The Student Support Services counselor at VCHS works collaboratively with the teachers, parents, and the students themselves in order to develop individualized academic support plans for students with identified learning differences or other conditions that require classroom accommodations in order to facilitate academic success.
Learn more about Academic and College Counseling.
Services Available
- Annual development of a personalized academic support plan
- Submission of an application for Extended time on SAT, ACT, and other standardized testing when applicable
- Referrals to clinicians, tutors, and outside agencies specializing in learning differences
Who qualifies for these services
- Students who have been assessed by a licensed educational psychologist and/or a medical professional, and have been diagnosed with a learning disability or other handicapping condition
- Students who are currently experiencing academic difficulties and may be considering further assessments to identify learning disabilities
If you have a student who may fit the above criteria, and they are interested in attending Valley Christian High School, please contact:
Questions? Reach Out to Our Friendly Staff
DR. SONIA AVILUCEA, Director of Student Success | 408.513.2493