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Junior High Faith

Junior High students pray together before school

Spiritual Formation

While known for high-quality programs and one-of-a-kind opportunities, VCJH places an important value on fostering a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We recognize that this relationship is one that not only transforms our world but also makes a difference for eternity.

DISCIPLESHIP TRACK BOOKLET  CHapel SchedulE                       

We shape identity, purpose, and belonging through community building, service-learning, and practical faith connections. Interactions with mentors, pastors, and biblical teachings weave faith with social and emotional well-being.

Our students learn at a young age how to demonstrate God’s love. We encourage themt o serve, inspire, and motivate others on and off our campus in their everyday lives. Through action and love, students seek to advance the Lord’s Kingdom with the redemptive power of the Gospel to transform our communities and the world.

Everyone is at a different point in their faith journey, and our Spiritual Formation team is here to help our community grow in its relationship with God. Whether you are beginning to explore faith or ready for God to use you to serve His world, there is a pathway to help you take your next step. As a Christian school with a clear missional focus to reach the world with the good news of Jesus, we will encourage 

Student Opportunities of Service

  • Operation Christmas Child
  • Community Outreach Fellowship
  • City Team
  • Leadership and student-led initiatives promoting worship, prayer, and service on campus
  • Where Everybody Belongs (WEB) Program


Students are required to take yearly Bible classes. The curriculum focuses on the Trinity: God the Father (6th grade), God the Son(7th grade), and God the Holy Spirit (8th grade).

Warrior Time

Our Spiritual Formation team offers Warrior Time Bible studies for students to connect with staff and peers, fostering relationships and spiritual growth. These gender-specific groups meet on Thursdays.


Weekly chapels provide faith encouragement through music, games, conversations, and guest speakers.

  • Bi-annual Spiritual Emphasis Weeks give students the opportunity to learn from world-renowned Christian speakers.
  • Bible studies, and Christian clubs further enhance faith experiences.

Discipleship Track

This optional eight-week course equips students to grow in their relationship with Jesus. Not only does it help them connect to a community, but it helps them explore the following topics:

  • How to read Scripture
  • How to find a church
  • Why it is essential to serve
  • How to share your testimony
  • Why worship matters
Junior High students pray before school begins
Junior high student prays before school begins